Sunday, February 19, 2006

Pricing and Procrastination

Just a quickie today, though I should be getting to this more often. Is there a word for blog guilt? Anyway, this was the last day of my exhibit in Wassenaar showing my boxes and I sold exactly nothing. Huge tailspin. Now that I'm, almost, done feeling sorry for myself I'm doing a major evaluation of my work, pricing etc. All opinions regarding the pricing of art are welcome. Particularly fiber art. Especially labor intensive art. Now I understand minimalism even more. The procrastination part of this post is to say that I am yet still uneducated in the ways of digital photography and downloading images, BUT, there is talk in this house that it WILL happen this next weekend... Keep checking, keep hoping, keep creating...

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Hangin' with Bernini at The Met

Life is twisted, or at least one might think when viewing Lorenzo Bernini's (1598-1680) sculpture sketches at The Met.  Twists in fabric...