So, I've been going through my textile "stash" as I've finally decided that that period is over and I found a piece that I worked on quite bit but still with some wax on it. It took some boiling to get most of the wax off and I still have some work to do. I think I had in mind to do one more layer, but hey, bygones. It's done for what it is, unless I decide to do some embroidery on it. I think I'll turn it into one big pillow. She has two sisters which I'll eventually get around to showing you. The original drawing hangs on the wall of a collector. If I find a photo of it, I'll post it too.

Here's to past endeavors and new discoveries. Perhaps there's more sleeping beauty to discover and, no doubt, more thorns to endure.
How wonderful! I didn't realize you do batik.
Did you ever see the Trina Schart Hyman illustrations for Sleeping Beauty? I've been haunted by this one for years:
All the young men who tried before the prince to reach Beauty, only to be trapped by & sacrificed to the thorns.
I used to get that story confused with Rapunzel & think that the prince in Beauty had his eyes pierced by thorns & was blinded until the princess' tears restored his sight. The risk of reaching for beauty - the punishment & reward of it.
DID, batik. I haven't for a few years. Sometimes I miss it. For a while I thought I'd go back to it, but now that I'm in the world of oil painting I've realized that everything I need is there for me. Nice link, but I could only see part of it on my screen. I"ll try again and see if I can get something better. Who is the artist?
I can see where you might get the two tales mixed up. They both have such great imagery!
"The risk of reaching for beauty - the punishment and reward of it." Great reflection.
The more I look at your photo, the more I realize how extraordinary the details on it are - I don't think I've ever seen such a complex batik! It's really beautiful.
I hope you will post more photos of your work - oils, batik, anything.
Here's a link to the blog with the Trina Schart Hyman illustration for Sleeping Beauty came from:
There really ought to be a Trina Schart Hyman illustration website, but she never seems to have made it onto the internet in any substantial way. I was appalled recently to heard that her books are starting to go out of print.
She wrote & illustrated a beautiful book called "Self-Portrait: Trina Schart Hyman" which I think you would like - an illustrated childrens' book autobiography of her life as an artist.
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